What are your ideas for transforming Bay Street? Community members are invited to drop by this free, fun event from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM on Thursday, September 3rd in the back parking lot of Turner Tabernacle AME Church at 1104 3rd St.
Come spend time in the Greenwood Bottom neighborhood, share your ideas and suggestions for creating a more vibrant and connected Bay St., learn how to get involved with the Love Your Street initiative, and enjoy a few slices of pizza!
* Masks and social distancing required
* Masks and hand sanitizer will be available
* Pizza and refreshments will be provided
* Bring a friend
The Love Your Street project empowers Maconites to improve their own neighborhood streets by providing funding and support to build low-cost, quick-action, creative traffic calming installations that will be determined through an inclusive community engagement process.
Love Your Street is an initiative of Bike Walk Macon in partnership with Pillyr Foundation and Macon-Bibb County. The project is generously funded by Knight Foundation and a Downtown Challenge Grant from the Community Foundation of Central Georgia.
We are relying on residents and community members like you to provide input for this project, and to also work with us to build a friendly Bay st. for bicyclists and pedestrians. Join us on September 3rd to learn more details about how to get involved.